In law and finance insurance is mainly used, in addition to the danger of a loss on a form of risk organization, not to escape. Insurance is defined as the even-handed relocate the risk of a loss, by a company in an additional in the switch for the payment. An insurer is a company selling the insurance; Insured or policyholder is the person or entity buying the insurance strategy. The insurance is an issue decided to pay the amount for a certain amount of coverage insurance, which will be called. Run the risk, which live has risk, assess and calculation as a separate field of study and practice developed.
The business covers the insured assuming a certain and known relatively small loss in the form of payment to the insurer in exchange for the insurer promises to pay, (compensating) the insured in the case of a large, potentially overwhelming loss. The insured person is called an agreement the insurance policy, the details of the circumstances and conditions under which the insured person will interest.
Losses but overwhelming many insured entities (known as introductions) in order for comparatively rare numbers that you may experience these entities engage insurance connection pooling financed from. The insured entities are therefore with the charge is on the frequency and heavy which the event happens needy secluded of risk for a fee. To be insurable risk together with specific individuality must meet, to be an insurable risk. Insurance is a marketable venture and a large part of the financial services industry, but individual entities can also by saving money for likely future loss self insure.
That may be insured by private companies go halves seven common individuality.
Large number of similar exposure units. Since insurance operates through pooling capital, the preponderance of insurance Entitätsmember are large classes, the insurer on the benefit of the law of large numbers in the expected losses, which are similar to the actual losses. Exceptions include Lloyd's of London, which is known for the life or health of actors, actresses and sports figures draw. However, all claims have to demanding differences that can lead to different rates.
Specific loss. The loss is at a known time, in a known location, and from a known cause. The classic example is the death of an insured person on a compensation life directive. Fire, car accidents and worker injuries can significantly easily meet all of these. Certain other types of damages may only in theory. Work-related illness, can include, for example, lengthy exposure to harmful conditions, where is no specific time, place, or cause. Preferably the time, place and cause of a loss should enough realise, that a reasonable person, with enough information, all three bases could examine dispassionately.
Accidental loss. This done, which is the set of a claim should happen, or at least beyond the control of the recipient for the insurance. The loss should be "pure," in the sense that it results from the first occurrence for that it is only the opportunity for cost. Events that provide approximate rudiments, as ordinary business risks, are usually not insurable.
Large loss. The size of the loss must be significant from the point of view of the insured person. Insurance premiums must both the predictable costs for losses, plus the cost to issue and manage path, claiming deaths adjust the strategy policy, and ensure the provision of capital rationally, that numbers can the insurer required. For small losses may these latter costs several times the size expected cost a loss like that. There is little point in the this costs except pay to the Defense offered real value has a buyer.
Affordable premium. If the probability of an insured mail item is so high, or the cost of the event so large, that the resulting premium large family member to the amount of the defence is available, it is not likely to buy, that any insurance on offer. Further, can the premium know unlike the Secretary occupation officially in Secretary financial standards, so large that there is no reasonable chance a major loss to the insurer. If there no such chance, loss, perhaps the business deal form of insurance, but not the substance. (in the US financial accounting standards Board standard number 113)
Calculable loss. There are two principles which must be at least admirable, if not formally quantifiable: the prospect of losing, and the utility costs. Probability is usually an experimental work during cost more with the ability of the control of a copy of the insurance and proof of loss the loss relating to a claim pursuant to this directive a clear rational and objective assessment the amount of loss is measured as to make a sensible person be eligible to do has a result Demand.
Limited risk catastrophically large losses. Suffering is insurable self-governing in an ideal world and non-catastrophically, importance, which pass a defeated not at once and character bankruptcy losses are not hard enough to the insurer; Insurers may prefer to their disclosure to a loss of a single event to a small part of their capital base, to limit the range of 5 percent. Assets restrict insurers ability, earthquake insurance, as well as wind insurance in Hurricane zones for sale. In the United States is insured by the Federal Administration of flood risk. In commercial fire insurance, it is possible, were individual, whose total using value is exposed to, well about all personality to find insurer capital restraint. Such properties are usually shared between several insurers or of individual insurers that Bazaar syndicate insurance risk in reinsurance.

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