I'm going to share with you some of my intelligent trading techniques for forex. Most people have short-term determination to make money in this market, but unfortunately people do not have the ability to do so, or the determination needed to make it past the learning curve. That is why only 5% of traders are making money. If you want to be part of a group of people who money than you should definitely follow my advice.
to control your emotions
We are emotional creatures and it serves a purpose in protecting our lives from danger. Because you are not going to get attacked by a bear Forex trading, and emotions become a useless distraction that will cause you to make bad moves, because your mind is clouded.
emotions will cause you to move away from logical evidence for making trade and move towards the idea of "gut" feelings and other emotions that make you feel "the need" to trade.
If you're looking to lose your money, I suggest that they act on those emotions. If you're in this business to make money, to ignore your emotions and stick to logic and evidence.l
business news
the economic news is a goldmine of information that is filtered to the masses, but it contains excellent information for traders. Prices of currencies held up the economy, so in essence, need to read in that philosophy. News about the Federal Reserve, GDP, unemployment, consumption, etc. all play an important role in the price of the currency.

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