Is one of the largest uncertainty in the life of sick or disabled no money in their pockets, especially if you yourself. This uncertainty can be overcome by a health insurance which of the system in which the insurer, as a rule, paid the medical expenses of the insured person a private companies or Government owned companies, if the sick person or an accident due to calls, Causes covered. On the other hand, the insured person has to pay a monthly premium to the insurance company. Health insurance provides the insurance for the self-employed known as independent health insurance.
Self-employed farmers, contractors and small business owners, freelance writers, lawyers, etc. There are some factors that independently separate from ordinary health insurance health insurance.
Costs - independent health insurance is more expensive than health insurance through an employer (such as a company) provided. This is because the cost of the insurance when compared to smaller groups is distributed in larger groups. This is one of the reasons, people are reserved for self-employment. There are ways and means to reduce these costs, which will be detailed below.
Tax advantage - fortunately is the independent health insurance premium 100% tax deductible.
Reduce costs - the best way to insurance is to reduce cost for family coverage in the group insurance your spouse through his company go (that is, if your spouse works). Alternatively, if you employ 50 people between 2, you can go group insurance.
Leaving a corporate job you can COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act) select. COBRA is a law that makes it for your employer provide the opportunity to maintain membership in their health insurance mandatory. However, you need the total monthly premium part numbers that previously paid by your company. However you surprised about the high cost for the premium may the can up to $500 per month.
Temporary health insurance - if you are planning to remain independent for a small period of time and planning, you can choose for a temporary health insurance later join another company. This is the cheapest type of health insurance available today. The premium but considers annual increase as you get older.
You have none of the above ways to reduce insurance then the only way is cost, for single standard policy. As already mentioned, they are usually expensive but are very important for the insurance of the future.

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