Discover how the American beverage industry is destroying your family's health for its profit, and how you can turn this situation right on its head!
The American beverage industry makes billions of dollars a year. Brightly colored packaging and exciting sounding names entice millions of people to part with their money for the liquids contained inside. Although every bottle will display a full list of contents, how many people will actually take the time to study this in detail, and is the information accurate?
How many people will take the time and trouble to find out exactly what is in these drinks? To really analyze their contents, to study their effect on the human body? It is all just too easy to trust, isn't it? It is too easy to put faith in these well known pillars of society. After all, you see the names everywhere! They even sponsor sporting events, and sport is healthy, right?
Whoa, hang on a minute there! Do you remember when cigarette manufacturers would sponsor sport? Was their product healthy? Is it not just possible that these caffeine and sugar-laced chemical stews could be the new cigarettes? Do you realize just how damaging the contents of these brightly-colored glitzy bottles are? Time for some facts, everybody!
The American beverage industry is massive. Absolutely HUGE. These companies make billions of dollars by persuading customers to keep buying their products. Extending the shelf life of the product is far more important to the manufacturer than providing good nutrition. That is, unless the consumer is clued up enough to demand good nutrition, and sadly, most aren't! If they were, they would not dream of parting with good money for the pitiful mess of chemicals inside a modern drinks bottle.
Firstly, the drinks in these bottles are "hot filled" and go through a process of pasteurization. This means they are boiled before bottling for the sole purpose of extending shelf life. No harm in that, is there? Well, look at the side effects. While the manufacturer is concerned with extending shelf life, the body is concerned with getting enough nutrients!
Boiling drinks before bottling massacres the Vitamin C, E, A and D content. It destroys B vitamins completely! Add on to this the fact that beneficial enzymes, antibodies, friendly bacteria and hormones are destroyed, and you can see what a great disservice this boiling is doing to your body.
So, when you drink a bottled beverage, you are effectively drinking a worthless liquid which will have no effect on the body, right?
Oh, if ONLY that was the truth! Although the drink may have no beneficial effect on the body, there are effects sure enough! Consider this -
In America and throughout the Western world we now have an OBESITY EPIDEMIC. The Number One cause of this epidemic is the extremely high consumption of refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup, which is found in most all beverages today. The average American will consume over 150 pounds of sugar every year! Not only is this leading to an obesity epidemic, it is also linked to heart disease, kidney disease and diabetes. We are literally drinking POISON!
Not only that, but we are allowing our children to drink poison. In fact, we are actively encouraging it! We need to stop and ask ourselves - Do we REALLY want to force our children to grow up into convoluted and grotesque shapes due to the chemical poisons we allowed them to drink? Do we REALLY want our children to have a vastly increased risk of disease and early death, as our gift to them? Did you know that one out of three children born after the year two thousand will develop type two diabetes?
If not, it is time for a change.
The good news is that it is now easier than ever to turn this situation right on its head and start filling beverages with nutrients instead of poison! Beverages which when you drink them, are like investing in the future of your health and your body.
How would you like it if you could invest in your childrens' health and future, by having them drink in nutrients instead of disease? If you could improve their health, well-being, happiness and educational performance just by the natural function of drinking nutritious drinks?
Now, all of this, and more, is easily possible. HOW??
You simply take nature, and make it even more potent and powerful. Not by adding to it, but by preserving it at its optimum level. Take the plant at the very peak of ripeness, and preserve all the nutrient through a process of freeze drying. By freeze drying the nutrient into a powder, it is maintained and safely preserved, for the time you want to consume it and all the beneficial nutrients within.
You must have great vision to change the problems we face in our world today and create an impact for good at the most fundamental level of human existence. We must take positive action to make a difference in people's lives NOW.
To change our world today we must be active in preserving the planet for future generations. By using BPA free and re-usable bottles, we can avoid adding to the 22 Billion bottles of mountain plastic waste each year created by the same industry which is destroying our health.
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